| Binazir Sankibayeva | Issue 154 (Jul - Aug 2023)
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Revelation has come to liberate me
From the power of sin
That’s been integrated
As a standard of norm
As a power of hope
To restore justice in the world
Kingdom and power
All they devour
Assuming this life is eternal
False promises are all what they’ve heard of
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When we think of tears we generally think of the emotional implications behind them, such as why a person is crying in the first place. This is certainly one of their important functions, however tears are much more useful than meets the eye.
The Theological Dimension of the Thought of M. Fethullah Gülen (Part 2)
“Sincerity” in the Islamic Tradition
Ikhlas is a Qur’anic concept that is variously translated as “sincerity” or “purity of intention,” and Gülen’s understanding of this term covers both aspects of the Qur’anic concept. In ordinary parlance, “since…
Science Square (Issue 142)
Is hair graying reversible?
Rosenberg et al. Quantitative mapping of human hair greying and reversal in relation to life stress. eLife, June 2021.
A new study has found that the old rumor about why our hair turns gray is proven to have a scientifi…
Covid Resilience
The recent pandemonium enveloping us all
unsheathes a swashbuckling double-edged sword
advancing our retreat into global disconnect
may our union reunite beating swords into plowshares